Amiga MA Magazine 1998 #3
000161_amos-request@svcs1.digex.net_Fri Nov 14 03:09:35 1997.msg
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Date: Fri, 14 Nov 1997 01:53:42 -0500 (EST)
From: "Shawn Carman (EE)" <carman@eng.usf.edu>
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To: "Rune J. Keller" <keller@vip.cybercity.dk>
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Subject: Re: Cap'n Bubba Music.
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On Thu, 13 Nov 1997, Rune J. Keller wrote:
> On 13-Nov-97, Shawn Carman (EE) wrote:
> >Either Data first and Audio Tracks second or vice versa. If you
> >go with Data first then you cannot play the CD in a standard CD player.
> I do not believe this is true. I never had a problem playing cd tracks from a
> cd which have data on track 1. Just start from track 2!
That's assuming the tracks are layed out so that an Audio player can
identify them. If you do disk at once or some unknown to the cd player
format then you get nothing. It is listed on every help thng about
burning cd's about where to put the audio tracks and data sections. It
may have changed recently, but I still figure it would be true.
Since I don't do any burning I could be very wrong, but from all
the reading I did trying to figure out how to design a CD game with or
without audio tracks I ran across a lot of information.
My biggest worry is that most amigas do not mix Amiga and CD
audio. I belive there is an audio input plug on an A4000 motherboard but
I don't think it is possible on any other amiga. Definately must do some
research into this, but I figure that is far from where I'm in development
as music and sound FX are usually the next to last things added to any
game or program.
Anyone with speceific URLs to check any info please post it.
Shikin Haramitsu Daikomyo